Sunday, May 29, 2011

Face Memory Test

I found this great memory test on facial recognition.  It takes about 15 minutes to complete, but you are advised to take a 5 minute break half-way through. 

Take the test again in a few weeks to see if you have improved.  Check it out at:
Face Recognition Memory Test

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Best Books By Canadian Authors

Visit check out the Forest of Reading website to find out what books written by Canadian Authors are recieving nominations. 

The Forest of Reading is a huge annual event that encourages children of all ages to read books by Canadian authors and vote for their favourites!

Some of the Nominees Include:

Books for the Primary Grades

    That is just a sampling of the nominated books.  Check out Forest of Reading to find out what other great books are available by Canadian authors.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Factors Necessary for Reading Readiness

Reading is a very complex skill, and one that can begin years before children enter school.  Research has identified six factors that need to be in place to greatly improve a child's readiness to learn to read.  They include:

  • Vocabulary.  Knowledge of the names of things and concepts.
  • Print Motivation.  Refers to the interest and enjoyment a child has with books.
  • Narrative Skills.  The ability to describe things and events and to tell stories or convey ideas.
  • Phonological Awareness.  The ability to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words.
  • Print Awareness.  Refers to how aware a child is of print, knowledge of how to handle a book, and how to follow the written word on a page.
  • Letter Knowledge.  Refers to learning the sounds and names of letters, and the ability to recognize them in their environment.
I am preparing articles on activities parents, care-givers and teachers can do with babies and children to ensure that children have ample positive reading experiences that work on all of the factors listed above.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

ADHD and Artificial Food Dyes

In the most recent issue of NutritionAction is this quote:

"Last spring, Health Canada finally acknowledged the scientifc evidence showing that artificial food dyes can exacerbate attention deficit/hyperactivitiy disorder (ADHD) in children.  But its proposal to better label the presence of the dyes--which are only used to make foods look more appealing--is a recipe for ineffectiveness.  If the government really wanted to help kids with ADHD, it would ban artificial food dyes."   (April 2011).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is It OK to Make Fun of Students Online?

I found this interesting article online. 

It raises some interesting issues and invites us to explore our boundaries on what we consider to be bullying behaviour.

Teachers Make Fun of Their Students Online